Our Team
EnviroEconomics collaborates with experts across multiple disciplines to deliver excellence in policy advice, tools and the techniques needed for informed decision-making and policy implementation.
Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer is Environmental Economist with over 25 years of national and international experience. Dave has built a solid reputation as a leader in the economics of climate policy and energy futures in Canada. His advice is routinely sought by a wide cross-section of climate policy leaders around the world, bridging political realities with sound economic theory.
For over 20 years, Dave has provided insight on the impact of carbon policy. He was the lead author of a number of seminal Canadian reports on national carbon policy (here, here and here) and has published on competitiveness impacts (here and here). Dave has also been working in developing countries on the socio-benefits of low carbon development (here, here and here).
Throughout this time, Dave has been working with a small group of energy and macroeconomic modellers to identify the key elements of low carbon pathways for Canada. Recent work on deep decarbonization pathways for Canada figured prominently in the Government of Canada’s Mid-Century Long-Term GHG Development Strategy and formed the basis of the policy package developed for Alberta’s Climate Leadership Plan.
Dave now co-leads Decarbonization Pathways Canada with Dr. Chris Bataille.
Dave is currently advising Alberta on the competitiveness implications of the transition of its large final emitter GHG program (SGER), advising Manitoba on carbon policy options and tax shifting outcomes; Nova Scotia on the design of its cap and trade program, and Ontario on scenarios for post-2020 cap and trade design (in addition to conducting Ontario’s competitiveness and macroeconomic analysis of the cap and trade program).
He holds a number of advisory positions:
Canada's Low Carbon Economy Fund;
The Ontario Energy Board on long-term carbon price trajectories and marginal abatement cost curves for the natural gas sector.
The federal Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development, currently advising on two federal audits related to carbon technology deployment and long-term carbon policy.
He has held positions with Environment Canada, Canada's Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development and leading Canadian consultancies. He was Vice-President for Climate, Energy and Partnerships with the International Institute for Sustainable Development’s (IISD) from 2011 to 2013. In this role, he led a team of 20 adaptation and mitigation specialists working on low carbon, climate resilient development globally. He is currently a senior associate with IISD and a School Fellow at Carleton's School of Public Policy.
Media Commentary links here:
Ontario may be forced into better policy, despite itself. (TVO.org May, 5 2017)
Trade exposed (Corporate Knights March 23, 2017)
Carbon prices must rise to meet Canada's 2030 greenhouse-gas targets (Globe and Mail Mar. 31, 2017)
Canada Wonders, if U.S. Balks, Is Carbon Pricing Still the Answer? (NY Time December 6, 2016)
After Paris, here’s how Canada can achieve a low-carbon future (Globe and Mail)
Trudeau’s first task on the climate file: Fence mending (Globe and Mail)
Low prices and rising global political will are shifting future of the oil sands (Globe and Mail)
Why Trudeau’s provincial carbon plan is a good move for Canada (Globe and Mail)
Is this Alberta’s moment to become a leader in climate policy? (Globe and Mail June 26, 2015)
Low prices and rising global political will are shifting future of the oil sands. (Globe and Mail June 20, 2015)
CBC Podcast on new Alberta Climate Rules (June 25 2015)
Why Stephen Harper will move the climate needle in 2015 (Globe and Mail)
Canada can’t hide any longer after U.S.-China climate deal (Globe and Mail)
Why the political winds are shifting on climate change (Globe and Mail)
Canada needs flexible policy to cut carbon emissions (Globe and Mail)
There's no free lunch (Globe and Mail)
Seton Stiebert
Seton Stiebert is an environmental engineer with international experience developing and evaluating air emission reduction strategies and policies, including environmental impact assessments, evaluation and design of emission inventories, estimation of greenhouse gas emissions, air quality impact assessments and cost benefit analysis.
With over 17 years of consulting experience, he provides expert advice on the development and evaluation of policies and strategies for climate change mitigation, in Canada and developing countries.
Seton is an associate with the International Institute for Sustainable Development. He has previously worked with ICF Marbek as a senior environmental consultant and RWDI Air Inc. as a project manager.
Education and designations
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of Guelph
Professional Engineer in British Columbia