Innovative tools and techniques

When data is not enough
While modelling provides a wealth of data and information on economic outcomes, we know that data alone cannot tell a policy story. We start with a solid foundation of economic and environmental data to develop a baseline for informed advice and analysis on the likely outcomes of policy choices.
From the start, we work to align our analytics with best policy choices. We then create the narrative to help reveal outcomes that decision-makers need to weigh against policy trade-offs.
We begin with a clear understanding of the issue, and then develop frameworks built on sound economic theory and analytics.
We use economy-wide energy and emission modelling, conduct cost-benefit analysis, value ecosystem goods and services and run economic impact models that highlight competitiveness outcomes.
It takes a seasoned adviser to recognize when outcomes don’t look right. We have the experience to see outliers, constantly validate our work and obtain peer reviews when needed.
With uncertain futures, we use scenarios to reveal the range of likely outcomes. When needed, we use risk analysis to understand the probabilities critical to informed decision-making.
Validate to test outcomes